Corporate Blogging For Translation Industry

Welcome to the first blog post in marketing category. Since the start of June 2015, we at Caucasus Translations have started a blog. I will be completely open - the reason that made us start this journey is a plain simple - we hope to improve our online presence, educate both translation professionals and just beginners and of course to attract new customers searching for professional translation services.Translation industry is what a professional online marketer would call - a niche. So by having a blog for a translation industry means we are having a translation niche blog. Or we can say - it's a translation niche marketing.There are a few translation companies like Rosseta Translations or Kwintessential just a few ones to name which blog's we read. So what translation professionals write about?Here at Caucasus Translations we write about - doing business in Georgia, we are a Georgia based company and it seems just logical to write about a business in Georgia. We are hoping to attract both local and foreign companies via blog. We are writing about translation tools we use on our everyday basis. Also we write about languages, their history etc.What other translation professionals are writing about?Rosseta Translations, for example, writes a very interesting behind the scenes blog posts, they write about doing business in China, and they write about different languages as well.So can we call it a corporate blogging thing? Definitely! But here comes another very important component of corporate blogging - consistency. Any decent corporate blog should have some consistency, like 1 posts per week, 2 post per week, 5 posts per week and so on. Why it's important? It makes it a routine and it increases your online presence dramatically. I wouldn't dare to call myself a professional blogger, but for last 20 months I have been writing my private blog (find it here: every day (including Saturdays and Sundays) and the results I have observed in last 20 months are just tremendous.My blogs audience has grown from 30 users at first month to 20,000 last month. Well, that's a reason I'm actually not calling myself a professional blogger, a real pro would probably reach 2,000,000 in 20 months, but hey I'm not complaining about 20,000 unique users per month not at all.For a next coming months we are looking to have a strong consistency of 5 posts per week covering different topics related to translation industry. And I'm sure after a few months I will be able to report a decent traffic growth for our corporate blog as well. Hopefully a steady flow of new customers as well.